Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Louisville Derby Festival Marathon Training Week #4

This was a pretty good week of training. There were no major scheduling snafus, all the workouts went well, and the long run went off without a hitch. Yay!

Monday - Cross-train
Swim (1 hour)

Tuesday - Speed work
Prescribed: 5 x 1000 in 4:09 w/ 400 RI
Actual: .75 mi warm-up, 5 x 1000 (4:15, 4:07, 4:07, 4:08, 4:07) w/ 400 RI, .75 mi cooldown
Total miles = 5.6

As is usual when it comes to speed work on the track, the idea of this workout terrified me. I tried to pester Keith into running this one with me, but he was busy. Boo. So I had to go it alone, and believe me when I say I tried everything to get out of it. When I saw a few people running on the track and the lacrosse team practicing on the field, I immediately called my husband and tried to beg off--"nevermind," I said, "the track's too busy"--but he wouldn't let me off the hook. In the end I sucked it up, and it was fine. It was a pretty warm day--temps in the low 60s--so where I would normally do at least a mile, if not longer, for a warm-up, by three-quarters of a mile I was feeling warm and decided to get on with it rather than prolong the inevitable. I did not want to make the same mistake as last week and run splits all over the place, or go too fast and possibly sabotage my tempo run on Thursday, so I tried really hard to be more conscious of pace. I started way too fast, in the low 6's--ugh!--but reigned it in. The first split shows a little slow, but it was actually .02 over in distance (oops); and if you look at the pace (6:39), it was under (6:40). For each split I started too fast but slowed the pace within the first 400 meters. I was surprised at how relatively easy the pace felt, considering how scary it sounded in my head. Notice I said "relatively" easy--because to say it was easy would be fibbing. By the end of the third interval I began to question whether I had it in me to stay on pace for the last two intervals. But, those rest intervals really do wonders, and I had the privilege of an entire lap around the track to rest between each speed interval before getting back to work; and every time, even though it was hard, I was able to find my legs and hit the pace. I felt really good after this workout--I was really proud that I STAYED ON PACE, and was able to stick with the pace even though it was tough.

Wednesday - Cross-train
45-50 min. swim (1800 yards)

I was shooting for a 2000-yard swim, but when I got to the pool I realized I didn't pack my work shoes (I mean, seriously, WHAT IS THE DEAL with me forgetting to pack appropriate footwear??), so I had to impose a time limit on myself in order to have enough time to go back home after the swim, get my shoes, and make it to work on time.  So when time was up I had to let the last 200 yards go.

Thursday - Tempo
Prescribed: 1 easy, 4 @ 7:38, 1 easy
Actual: 1 easy, 4 @ 7:28, 1 easy

I picked up Keith for this run and was really glad for his company, as it was really cold and overcast and at the end of the day and I really wasn't in the mood to run fast. But misery always loves company, so with Keith along the run was not that bad.In fact, I had a hard time staying on pace--as in, I was going too fast and even when I tried to slow down it didn't really happen. The tempo splits were 7:24, 7:23, 7:24, 7:22. All well under the prescribed pace, and pretty even. I was very pleased with this workout, especially since we ran through the park which is both hilly AND windy.

Friday - Rest

Saturday - Long run
Prescribed: 20 @ 9:12
Actual: 20 @ 8:44

I posted about this run on Instagram and Facebook:

The first of five 20-milers is in the books. This is on the schedule as my slowest/easiest long run of the training cycle, and I took full advantage! At an overall 8:50 pace I was 22 seconds fast, but effort-wise I don't feel I pushed the pace--I just stuck with what felt like an easy effort. Nonetheless, by mile 17 I really didn't want to be running anymore--my feet hurt, my legs were really tired, my back was starting to hurt, and my hips were not happy. Can you tell I've been out of the game for 1.5 years??!!?? I started the last mile thinking I would slow way down and focus on just getting it done even if it was at a slower pace...but then I realized I'll never get stronger if I give in to the pain like that, and since one of my goals for this training cycle is to focus on mental strength, for that last mile I pushed. I embraced the pain--saying in my head things like "Yes, Pain, I know you're there but I'm just ignoring you" and "I know you're not going anywhere but guess what, neither am I" and telling myself that this isn't the first time Pain and I have hung out and it won't be the last, so I am going to make him an unwelcome guest--and my last mile ended up being @ 7:44, including getting six seconds faster on a hill the last quarter mile at a 7:35 pace. Just goes to show there is always more to give! ‪#‎run‬ ‪#‎running‬ ‪#‎jfr‬ ‪#‎longrun‬ ‪#‎marathontraining‬ ‪#‎findyourstrong‬‪#‎unicorndreams‬ ‪#‎boston2017imcomingforyou‬

Even though this run was a little painful toward the end, considering that it's my first 20-miler in about five months--and THAT 20-miler, the first in nearly a year, since my fall 2014 marathon training cycle, went horribly and took over a week to recover from--I was very pleased. Leading up to this training cycle I had been laying the groundwork by running 15-16 miles every few weeks, to get used to running the longer distances again. But there's still a way to go before my body remembers what it's like to run 20+ miles! I was tired into Monday!

Sunday - Cross-train
20 minute strength/core
25 minute spin

I had hoped to get in at least 45 minutes on the bike, but this day ended up being a wash. My son had an afternoon-long activity and my husband was working, so I had both kids all day and spent the entire day away from home. We spent the morning at church, went straight from church to my son's activity, and straight from there to the funeral home. By the time I got home it was 8:00 p.m. and I was beat, but since Friday was a rest day I didn't want to have another whole day without some sort of exercise, so I did the best I could with the time I had. I guess I could have stayed on the bike longer...but something about exercising past 9:00 p.m. was not doing it for me, so when 9:00 p.m. hit I got off the bike and got ready for bed.

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